These stories by Holden Caulfield’s creator are 1950s New York through and through. Elevated language and smooth storytelling rhythms are layered atop subtext heaving with moneyed angst, the horrors or war, and Hindu mysticism. Even with all this going on, some of these stories are square and obvious by today’s standards. Others, however, are among the best stories of any era.
TEDDY, in particular, will have you asking, “Why? For God’s sake, WHY?” long after you’ve read it. The answer is both there to be mined and vexingly out of reach. Similarly, BANANAFISH looks like a profile of a troubled vet, but is at heart more of a disturbing religious agitation. The whole collection is designed to provoke the reader away from conventional Western thought. If you can handle authorial self-indulgence and a few New York affectations, you’ll find the challenge well worth your time. Reviewed on Feb. 3, 2022